Land owners to apply for new title deeds to replace those issued under past regimes

The ministry of Lands has embarked on a process of conversion of all parcels of land from the repealed statutes with a view to migrating to the new Land Registration Act 2012, meaning all land titles registered under the previous laws; Indian Transfer of Property Act of 1882, the Government Lands Act (Cap.280), the Registration of Titles Act (Cap.281), the Land Titles Act (Cap.282) and the Registered Land Act (Cap.300) will be replaced to comply with the new law. This is also part of the digitization of lands records.

According to a press release from Lands CS Farida Karoney on 12th January 2021, the Land Registration Act 2012 would solve the confusion occasioned by the different laws that had become a breeding ground for fraud, delays in service delivery, centralization of land services and threats to the right to property.

The conversion will mean full use of the Registry Index Maps (RIMs) as registration instruments, replacing the deed plans in order to minimize land fraud, speed up land transactions and make it easy to access the data since RIMs displays all land parcels within an area as opposed to a deed plan that captures data on one specific parcel.

Title documents held by third parties including banks, hospitals, courts etc, as security at the time of commencement shall be replaced upon application by the proprietor.

The ministry has come up with a systematic process which includes mass public announcements that will reach to the entire local population to ensure that the new title deeds are issued to the rightful owners, hence the information needs to reach to all.

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